Collection of pamphlets and proclamations, 17th-18th century
Rare Books, Manuscripts, Maps & Photographs
Auction: 13 July 2022 from 10:00 BST
[Monipennie, John]. Certayne Matters concerning the Realme of Scotland. London: for John Flasket, 1603. Second edition, 4to (18.1 x 13.2cm), 20th-century boards, spine defective, light browning, occasional staining, headlines often shaved, repairs to title-page (A1) and B1-2 obscuring a few letters, title page with contemporary annotations and a pen trial, final leaf N1/A2 with closed tear in gutter [ESTC S112838];
Hamilton, James, 1st Duke of Hamilton. [Incipit:] Whereas some have given out that by the Act of Councell [...]. Edinburgh: Robert Young, printer to the Kings most excellent Majestie, 1638. 4to (18.5 x 13.2cm), modern boards, typographic headpieces, woodcut initials, retaining final blank (C4), book-label of noted bibliographer F. S. Ferguson (1878-1967), slight toning [ESTC S103719];
Charles I. [Incipit:] Charles, by the grace of God, King of Scotland, England, France, and Ireland, defender of the faith. To our lovits [blank] messengers, our sheriffs [...], greeting. Edinburgh: Robert Young, 1638. 4to (17.8 x 13cm), modern boards, woodcut headpiece (royal arms) and initial, F. S. Ferguson book-label [ESTC S116895];
Ward, Richard. The Analysis, and Application of the Sacred and Solemne League Covenant. London: J. Dollam, 1643. First edition, 4to (19.5 x 15.3cm), disbound, slightly dust-soiled, tide-mark to foot, edges nicked [ESTC R5685];
[Covenanters]. A True and Impartial Account of the Examinations and Confessions of the several Execrable Conspirators against the King and his Government in Scotland. London: Andrew Forrester, 1691. First edition, folio (28.7 x 18.7cm), disbound, final 2 leaves near detached and with closed tears [ESTC R21336];
[Medicine]. [Drop-head title:] Unto the Right Honourable the Lords of Council and Session the Petition of John Monro Chirurgeon Apothecary in Edinburgh humbly sheweth that where in the competition betwixt your petition, as executor to the deceast Lieutenant Nisbet, and Janet Nisbet, executrix ... debated last week before the Lord Justice Clerk, 7 February 1701. Folio, 3 [1] pp., disbound, deckle edges, stitched together with an apparent continuation of the petition and 'Answers for Janet Nisebet and Peter Bell Merchant in Slagow her Husband ... to the Petition of John Monro against them], 2 and [2] pp., one with closed tear,
[Defoe, Daniel]. Observations on the Fifth Article of the Treaty of Union, humbly offered to the Consideration of the Parliament, relating to Foreign Ships, [Edinburgh: no printer, 1706]. 4to (19.3 x 15.2cm), 20th-century quarter skiver, 4 pp., browned, bookplate of Robert A. S. Macfie (1868-1935), authority on the Roma [ESTC T55499: 10 UK copies, of which 7 in the National Library of Scotland];
Idem. A Short View of the Present State of the Protestant Religion in Britain, Edinburgh: [no printer], 1707. 8vo (18.4 x 11.4cm), 20th-century quarter skiver, a few page-numbers shaved, Macfie ownership inscription [ESTC T55491: 7 UK copies];
Almanac. Perth's True Almanack; or a New Prognostication for the Year of our Lord 1719 ... Calculated exactly (according to Art) for the Meridian of the Town of Perth ... by Mr. Patrick Stobie, Edinburgh: John Moncur, 1719. 8vo (14.8 x 9.4cm), A-B8, [32 pp.], eclipse woodcut on A4 r., detailed contemporary annotations to rear blanks, stitched in contemporary marbled wrappers (split along spine but remaining attached), final 2 leaves closely trimmed at head;
and 12 others similar (these not collated), including 5 Acts of Parliament, 18th century (e.g. To prevent the infamous Practice of Stock-jobbing, 1734; For Settling and Establishing a Court of Exchequre in the North Part of Great Britain called Scotland, 1708; For rebuilding the Tron Church of the City of Glasgow [...], 1793, etc.; all disbound) (21)
Note: Item 1 (Monipennie) was first published c.1594. Item 2 concerns the continuance of episcopal government in Scotland and was later published with other works as An Explanation of the Meaning of the Oath and the Covenant. No editions of The Petition of John Monro Chirurgeon Apothecary in Edinburgh or Perth's True Almanack traced in ESTC. The two Defoe pamphlets are notably rare in commerce.