Tragara Press
Collection of broadsides
Rare Books, Manuscripts, Maps & Photographs
Auction: 13 July 2022 from 10:00 BST
comprising: Lawrence Durrell, A Persian Lady, [no date] (3 copies, 'six copies printed', one annotated 'trial proof on Barcham Green paper, A[lan] A[nderson]'); Gerard Manley Hopkins, Pied Beauty, 1994 ('one copy printed', this copy annotated 'printer's proof'); Thomas Nash, In Time of Pestilence, 1997 (2 copies, 'fifteen copies printed'); Wallace Stevens, Angel Surrounded by Paysans, 2004 ('one copy set in Perpetua type and printed at the Tragara Press', this copy annotated 'printer's proof'); David Hume, [Extract from] The Sceptic, 1973 (2 copies, no limitation stated). Together with a large quantity of similar items, including: Tom Stoppard, The Real Thing [Extract, comprising Henry's speech on writing and cricket bats], [no publisher], c.1982 or later, 7 copies, broadsides, each one of 500 numbered copies signed by Tom Stoppard in red ink (one copy out of series); Pear Tree Press, The Phoenix and the Turtle by William Shakespeare, 1938 (out-of-series copy from the edition of 200, single unsigned gathering, uncut and unbound); Doves Press, Wordsworth's Cosmic Poetry, 1914 (one of c.300 copies, single bifolium, loose as issued in publisher's wrappers); Whittington Press, Matrix, volumes 6 and 10 (one of 800 and 825 respectively); offprints, prospectuses, specimens and prints from various presses including Golden Cockerel; and further Tragara Press material including pamphlets, prints and annotated proofs (1 box)