Auction: Day One: 22 February 2023 | From 10am
worked in silk on linen, the first by Janet Garvie, Perth, dated 1833, with eight alphabet series and a number series over a band of trees with stags and dogs, crowned initials, and a flowering urn and trees, framed; the second dated 1822, with four alphabet and a number series over bands of initials and hearts, within a strawberry vine border, framed; the third worked by Margaret Lawrie, dated 3 May 1831, with five alphabet and two number series above bands of crowns and initials with hearts, the bottom section with the name Miss Wilson and a verse 'In changing scenes & dying times/Be Thou my all in all/ When blooming youth is snatchd away/by deaths resistless hand/our hearts the mournful tribute pay/which pity must demand/While pity promts the rising sigh/o may this truth imprest/with awful power I too must die/sink deep in evry breast/Let this vain world engae no more/behold the gaping tomb/it bids us prizw the present hour/to morrow death may come/Great GOd thy sovreign grace impart/with cleansing healing powr/this only can prepare the heart/for death imparting hour', framed
41cm high, 19cm wide; 44cm high, 21cm wide; 31cm high, 23cm wide