Estimate: £10,000 - £15,000
Auction: 08 November 2024 from 10:00 GMT
清 乾隆款 青花加彩纏枝番蓮紋賁巴壺
the globular body raised on a spreading foot to a stepped neck, thick disc-shaped mouth, applied with a curved spout issuing from the moulded makara head, the body painted with lotus flowers interspersed by leafy lotus flowers and scrolling, intertwining tendrils, framed by lotus lappets and ruyi-head motifs, the foot and mouth rims decorated with bands of raised beads, the base with a six-character Qianlong mark but with a hole drilled through
19.8cm high
Private Dutch collection, acquired from a private Belgium collection in 2002;
Private Belgium collection, acquired from England in 1977, with an export document issued by P. Turnbull, Newcastle on 17 March 1977.
比利時私人收藏,1977年購自英格蘭,含位於紐卡斯之P. Turnbull 1977年3月17日發出的出口證明原件。
Ewers such as the present example are believed to have been produced for Buddhist altars in the palaces and temples of Beijing and Chengde, where the Qing Court's Summer retreat was located. It has been suggested that the exotic monster- makara at the base of the spout indicates their use within a Tibetan-inspired Lamaist sect: see R. Kerr, Chinese Ceramics. Porcelain of the Qing Dynasty 1644-1911, London, 1986, p.114.
A very similar ewer with beaded decoration at the mouth and bearing a Daoguang seal mark from the Simon Kwan Collection is illustrated in The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Imperial Porcelain of Late Qing from the Kwan Collection, Hong Kong, 1983, Catalogue, no.62. A Qianlong mark and period famille rose example, also with the distinctive beaded decoration at the rims in the Victoria and Albert Museum, London, is illustrated in ibid., p.115, fig.101, museum accession number: CIRC.139-1932. Another related example from the Evelyn Annenberg Hall Collection was sold at Christie's New York, 29 March 2006, lot 172. Doucai variations of this shape of ewer are also known; see a Qianlong mark and period example in the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, illustrated by He Li, Chinese Ceramics. The New Standard Guide, London, 1996, p.295, fig.612, and a very similar example sold at Sotheby's Hong Kong, 2 May 2000, lot 677.
據信,像本例這樣的賁巴壺是為北京和承德(清朝宮廷避暑所在地)的宮殿和寺廟的佛壇所製作。有學者認為,壺嘴底部的奇異生物-魔羯顯示出,它們在藏傳佛教的儀式中使用。參見 R. Kerr:Chinese Ceramics. Porcelain of the Qing Dynasty 1644-1911,倫敦,1986,114 頁。
參考香港關善明收藏的一件道光款賁巴壺,口部有類似串珠裝飾,著錄於香港中文大學出版, Imperial Porcelain of Late Qing from the Kwan Collection, 1983年,圖錄62號。倫敦維多利亞與艾爾伯特博物館藏有一件乾隆款及年代的粉彩賁巴壺,其邊緣也帶有串珠裝飾,參見同上,115頁,圖101,博物館藏品號:CIRC.139-1932。Evelyn Annenberg Hall收藏的另一件賁巴壺,於 2006年3月29日在紐約佳士得拍賣行售出,拍品172。另參考其他可比較的鬥彩賁巴壺:舊金山亞洲藝術博物館的一件乾隆款及年代的鬥彩賁巴壺,著錄於He Li, Chinese Ceramics. The New Standard Guide,倫敦,1996,295頁,圖612;另一例由香港蘇富比2000年5月2日拍出,拍品 677.