Auction: 08 November 2024 from 10:00 GMT
北宋至金 鈞窰綠釉碗
potted in conical form rising from a short straight foot inverted to straight mouth, covered overall in a thick crackled green glaze save for the foot rim revealing the brown buff body
23.2cm diameter
Private Scottish collection, Scottish Borders. The owner had an enduring friendship with Dr Kenneth Lawley (1937-2023), a lifelong Asian art collector and a significant part of whose collection was sold in this saleroom, 3 November 2023, lot 1-95. He would share his research, his catalogue, and his admiration of these items with the owner, as a natural consequence of their friendship.
The bowl offered here was gifted by Dr Kenneth Lawley, 28 Sep 2002, with an original letter, who acquired from Sotheby’s, lot 15, 14 Feb 1966, via Bluett & Sons Ltd., with an original receipt.
Exhibited: Early Oriental Ceramics, MacRobert Centre, University of Stirling, 5-25 July 1973, no. 23. Illustrated in the exhibition photograph (circled).
蘇格蘭私人收藏,蘇格蘭邊區。藏家與已故Kenneth P. Lawley博士(1937-2023)為摯友。Lawley 博士一生為東方藝術癡迷,其大部分藏品在2023年11月3日售於禮昂騰博,拍品1-95。其對東方高古及中古瓷器的熱忱深深感染藏家,他們在書信往來中互換收藏心得、藏品研究及筆記,可見其深厚友誼。
本品由Lawley博士於2002年9月28日贈予藏家,含信函原件;Lawley博士透過著名古董商Bluett & Sons Ltd於蘇富比購得,1966年2月14日,拍品15,含收據原件。
展覽:《早期東方陶瓷》(Early Oriental Ceramics),蘇格蘭斯特靈大學麥克羅伯特中心(MacRobert Centre),1973年7月5日至25日,編號23(附圖,紅框),展出老照片(附圖,紅框)。
Compare to a rare large green ‘Jun’ bowl, Song-Jin dynasty, sold at Christie's Hong Kong, 30 Nov 2023, lot 2868; Another rare Junyao green bowl, Song/Yuan Dynasty, sold at Bonhams London, 5 November 2020, lot 19; Also see a related rare large green 'Jun' bowl, Northern Song / Jin dynasty, in more bulbous form, was in the collection of Dr Kenneth Lawley, sold at Sotheby's 1 November 2023, lot 49. See a comparable green-glazed bowl, Song / Jin dynasty, illustrated in Feng Xiaoqi Eds., 2013, The Specimens of Ancient Chinese Kilns in the Collection of the Palace Museum, Henan Volumn II, Beijing: The Forbidden City Publishing House, pt. 652, pg. 625.