Estimate: £2,000 - £3,000
Auction: 08 November 2024 from 10:00 GMT
明 青白玉雕獾
carved in round in recumbent position, its head turns towards the left and slightly raised with the support of two front paws, the long tail curling around the rear end, the bulging eyes and fur on the back minutely incised, the stone of pale celadon hue with some white inclusions
4.6cm wide
Collection of Mr Sheng-Hsiung Tsai, Taiwan
Publication: Chinese Jades (A.D. 1368-1644) from the Tsai's collection, Taipei, May 2022, p.104-1
Mr. Sheng-Hsiung Tsai (蔡勝雄) is the founder and honorary chairman of The Association of Jade Collections (玉翫雅集) in Taiwan. He loves the research and collection of ancient cultural relics, focusing on ancient Chinese jades, goldware and wooden statues. He endeavours to promote jade culture. For example, he gave lectures on "Gold and Jade Jewelry of Nobles from the 14th to 17th Centuries" at The Tainan Lawyer's Association and Hualien County Cultural Affairs Bureau Library in 2011 and 2012.
The Association of Jade Collections is Taiwan's first professional jade research society registered with the Ministry of the Interior. It is composed of a group of elites from various professions who have great interest in jade and jade culture, and is committed to the preservation, promotion and inheritance of jade culture. This adheres to the central concept of moving closer to academics, allowing the majority of jade enthusiasts to improve their appreciation of jade through communication and research.
The Association regularly holds academic lectures. In 2017, it held the first large-scale "Exhibition of Jade Artifacts from the Tang, Song, Liao, Jin, and Yuan Dynasties" at the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall in Taipei. The honorary chairman Mr. Sheng-Hsiung Tsai coordinated the publication of the exhibition catalogue Jade Artifacts from the Tang, Song, Liao, Jin, and Yuan Dynasties. The jade collections from The Association's members were displayed at the "Exhibition of Jade Artifacts from the Ming Dynasty" at the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall in Taipei to share the results of members' collections and win unanimous praise from jade friends in Taiwan and abroad.
玉翫雅集玉協會是台灣第一個於內政部登記成立的專業研究玉器社團,由一群對玉器和玉文化有著莫大興趣的各行各業精英分子組成,致力於玉文化的保存、推廣和傳承,秉持向學術靠攏的中心理念,讓廣大的玉器愛好者透過交流研究提升玉器的鑑賞能力。協會例行舉辦學術專題演講,2017年並於台北中正紀念堂首次舉辦大型「唐宋遼金元玉器精品展」,並由名譽理事長蔡勝雄統籌出版《唐宋遼金元玉器》展覽圖錄。2023年11月19日至12月13日,玉翫雅集會員藏品更於台北中正紀念堂展出「大明王朝暨歷代玉器展」,分享會員收藏成果,獲得海內外玉友們一致好評 。