Medicine and Surgery - 18th century
Justamond, J.O., and others
Estimate: £250 - £350
Auction: 05 February 2025 from 10:00 GMT
Justamond, J.O. An Account of the Methods Pursued in the Treatment of Cancerous and Schirrhous Disorders, and other Indurations. London: T. Cadell, 1780; [bound with] Ware, James. Remarks on the Ophthalmy… London: Charles Dilly, 1787. Second edition; [bound with] Warner, Joseph. A Description of the Human Eye. London: Lockyer Davis, 1775. Second edition; [bound with] Idem. An Account of the Testicles… London: Lockyer Davis, 1779. Second edition; 8vo, contemporary calf, binding split, stamp of the Royal College of Surgeons Ireland;
[Delaroche, Daniel - Philippe Petit-Radel.] Recueil des Planches du Dictionnaire de Chirurgie. Paris: Agasse, [1799]. 4to, the plate volume only of the Encyclopédie methodique. Dictionnaire de chirurgie - without the two text volumes 111 (of 114?) plates only, original boards, upper cover detached, some soiling, stamps of the Royal College of Surgeons Ireland (2)